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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Classroom Update (2/28)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Era of Exploration

E.Q. -

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?
- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?
- Why did triangular trade routes develop?
  1. DJ- P.636 Map Questions
  2. Present Expansion, Exploration, and Encounters Project 
  3. Finish Trade and Interaction Documents (located in Schoology)
  4. Work on Book Reviews

World History (Skinny)

  1. Mid-Unit Assessment Tomorrow 2/28! (Lessons 1-3)
  2. Assign: Module 20.4 (Revolution in the Arts) Guided Reading WS and Vocabulary

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Classroom Update (2/27)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Era of Exploration

E.Q. -

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?
- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?
- Why did triangular trade routes develop?
  1. Work on Expansion, Exploration, and Encounters Project 
    1. Due Thursday (2/28)
  2. Assign: Trade and Interaction Documents (located in Schoology)
  3. Work on Book Reviews

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Nationalism in Italy and Germany

E.Q. -

- How did nationalism disrupt the Austrian, Russian and Ottoman empire?
- Why was nationalism an important unifying force during the creation of Italy and Germany?

- How did the balance of power in Europe change during the 1800s?
  1. DJ- How was Mexico’s struggle for independence more of a social revolution when compared with Latin American rebellions?
  2. Go over Nationalism Notes (20.2 & 20.3)
  3. Mid-Unit Assessment Tomorrow 2/28! (Lessons 1-3)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Classroom Update (2/26)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Era of Exploration

E.Q. -

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?
  1. Work on Expansion, Exploration, and Encounters Project 
    1. Due Thursday (2/28)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Europe Faces Revolutions

E.Q. -

- How did the different schools of political thought create revolts during the 1800s in Europe?
- What were the political shifts that occurred in Russia during the late 19th century?
  1. Work Day
  2. Assign: Europe Faces Revolutions Guided Reading Worksheet (from Tuesday) and 20.3 (Nationalism) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions

Monday, February 25, 2019

Classroom Update (2/25)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Era of Exploration

E.Q. -

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?
  1. Begin Expansion, Exploration, and Encounters Project 
    1. Project Introduction
    2. Work Time
    3. Due Thursday (2/28)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Latin American Revolutions

E.Q. -

- How did the events in Europe lead to a revolution in the Spanish Colonies?
- How did Brazil gain independence from Portugal?
- How did the different schools of political thought create revolts during the 1800s in Europe?
  1. DJ- What factors caused the revolution in Latin America?
  2. Go Over (20.1) Latin American Peoples Win Independence Worksheet
  3. Assign: Europe Faces Revolutions Guided Reading Worksheet

Friday, February 22, 2019

Classroom Update (2/22)

World History (Block)

Topic: China and Japan Rejects the West

E.Q. -

- Why did China withdrew into isolation after the voyage of Zheng He?
- How was the treatment of Europeans similar/different in Japan and China

  1. DJ: 1. How was the European Renaissance similar to and differ from the flowering of Chinese culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties?
  2. Finish Engineering an Empire: China
  3. Exploration Mid-unit Assessment
  4. Achieve Article: "The Beauty of Yabusame"

World History (Skinny)

  1. Book Review Work Day

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Classroom Update (2/21)

World History (Block)

Topic: Europeans Explore the East

E.Q. -

- What led to European exploration in the 1400s?
- Why did China withdrew into isolation after the voyage of Zheng He?

  1. DJ: 1. Why did Europeans have a spirit of adventure in the 1400s?
  2. Europeans Explore the East Notes
  3. Watch Engineering an Empire: China
  4. Unit 3 (Lessons 1-3) Mid-Unit Assessment is on Friday! (2/22)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Latin American Revolutions

E.Q. -

- Why did the structure of colonial society in Latin America cause social unrest? 
  1. Assign Archive- Age of Revolutions: Cinco de Mayo: An Important Day

Classroom Update (2/20)

No Class Today - ACT Testing

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Classroom Update (2/19)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Golden Age of Akbar

E.Q. -

- What does the art during this time period suggest about the culture of Mughal India?

- What was the impact of Aurangzeb’s reign?

  1. DJ: P. 600 Map Questions
  2. Assign and complete in class: Mughal Art Analysis
  3. Assign: 16.2 & 16.3 Vocab and Guiding Reading Questions
  4. No Class Tomorrow Due to ACT Testing
  5. Unit 3 (Lessons 1-3) Mid-Unit Assessment is on Friday! (2/22)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Latin American Revolutions

E.Q. -

- Why did the structure of colonial society in Latin America cause social unrest?
  1. Unit 7 Outline - Revolutions Sweep the West 
  2. Assign: Latin American Peoples Win Independence (20.1) WS
  3. No Class Tomorrow Due to ACT Testing

Monday, February 18, 2019

Classroom Update (2/18)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Mughal Empire

E.Q. -

- While the age of exploration was beginning in Europe, how was the political power in India being centralized under the Mughal Empire?

- What role did Babur play in the establishment of the early Mughal empire?
  1. Go over Unit 3 Outline
  2. Assign and complete in class: Achieve Article: "Taj Mahal Turning Green"
  3. Assign: 16.1 (The Mughal Empire) Vocab and Guiding Reading Questions
  4. Unit 3 (Lessons 1-3) Mid-Unit Assessment is on Friday! (2/22)

World History (Skinny)

  1. The French Revolution Unit Assessment
  2. Work on Term 2 Book Reviews (if Time)

Friday, February 15, 2019

Classroom Update (2/15)

No School (In-Service Day)

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Classroom Update (2/14)

World History (Block)

  1. Reformation Unit Assessment
    1. Unit Vocabulary and Guided Reading Question Check - Students must have Unit Vocabulary and Guided Reading Questions completed to take the assessment.
  2. Work on Term 3 Book Review Project 

World History (Skinny)

  1. French Revolution Unit Review Day
  2. French Revolution Unit Assessment Monday, February 18th

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Classroom Update (2/13)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Legacy of the Reformation


- How did the Catholic Church counteract the Protestant Reformation?

- What is the lasting legacy of the Reformation?
  • DJ- How did Jesuit reforms help the Catholic Church keep its members?
  • Finish Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World Video & Notes
  • Assign and go over the Reformation Unit Study Guide
  • The Reformation Assessment is Thursday (2/14).

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  Napoleon's Empire

  • Finish The Conquerors: Napoleon Video and Notes
  • Assign: The French Revolution Study Guide
  • The French Revolution Assessment is now Monday (2/18).

Monday, February 11, 2019

Classroom Update (2/11)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Reformation Splits


- Why were Protestant reformers split over their beliefs?

- How did women aid the Reformation?
  • DJ- How did John Calvin’s ideas about salvation differ from Luther?
  • Continue Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World Video & Notes
  • Assign: Achieve Article- "The Mystery of Caravaggio"
  • Assign: Finish 15.3 (The Catholic Reformation) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  • The Reformation Assessment is Thursday (2/14).

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  Napoleon's Empire

  • Begin The Conquerors: Napoleon Video and Notes
  • The French Revolution Assessment is Thursday (2/14).

Friday, February 8, 2019

Classroom Update (2/8)

World History (Block)

Topic: Luther Challenges the Church


- What were the causes of the Reformation?

- Why did Luther's teachings become popular and attract followers?
  • DJ- What practices of the Catholic Church in the 1500s might have disturbed ordinary churchgoers?
  • Begin Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World Video & Notes
  • Assign: Finish 15.2 (The Reformation Continues) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  2nd Semester Book Review Project

  • Handout 2nd Semester Book Review Project Rubric
  • Go to LMC and find Book Review books

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Classroom Update (2/6)

World History (Block)

Topic: Causes of the Reformation


- What were the causes of the Reformation?

- How did the ideals of the Renaissance get expressed in the Reformation?
  • Handout Reformation Unit Outline & The Many Faiths of the Protestant Reformation WS
  • Major Turning Points in Christianity Notes
  • Read and analyze a sample scholarly book review

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  Napoleon's Europe

  • Assign and Complete Achieve Article: "Saving Norte Dame"
  • Finish 19.3 (Napoleon's Europe) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Classroom Update (2/5)

World History (Block)

Topic: Renaissance Assessment

  • Renaissance (Unit 1) Assessment
  • Book Review Work Time

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Mid-Unit Assessment & Begin Napoleon's Europe


- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power in France?

  • French Revolution Mid-Unit Assessment
  • Assign 19.3 (Napoleon's Europe) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

Classroom Update (2/4)

2 Hour Delay Schedule

World History (Block)

Topic: Review Day

E.Q. - 

- How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance?

- How did the invention of the printing press impact European society?
  • Complete Unit Study to Review Renaissance Unit
  • Renaissance Assessment Tuesday (2/5)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: The End of the French Revolution


- What problems did the Legislative Assembly face?

- Why is the time of Robespierre's leadership called the “Reign of Terror”?
  • Go over 19.2 (Revolution Brings Reform and Terror) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  • French Revolution Mid-Unit Assessment Tuesday (2/5)

Friday, February 1, 2019

Classroom Update (2/1)

World History (Block)

E.Q. - 

- Why did the Italian Renaissance produce some of the world’s most extraordinary writers and artists?

- How do the works of Renaissance artists and architects reflect Renaissance ideas?
  • Practice Review Quiz in School
  • Achieve Article: "It Must Be Leonardo"
  • Discuss Medieval vs. Renianassce Art
  • Assign: 14.3 & 14.4 Vocabulary and Guided Reading Questions
  • Renaissance Assessment Tuesday (2/5)
World History (Skinny)


- How did Napoleon attempt to reassert France’s power in Europe and the rest of the world?
  • Achieve Article: Age of Revolution: Haiti's Fight to be Free"
  • Assign 19.2 (Revolution Brings Reform and Terror) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  • French Revolution Mid-Unit Assessment Tuesday (2/5)