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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Classroom Update (4/30)

World History (Block)

Topic: Reforming the Industrial World

- Why is Karl Marx’s writing so influential?
- Why did workers join together to form unions?

- Why did the labor reform movements spread to other aspects of society?

  1. DJ - Why did laissez-faire economics take hold in Europe in the 19th century? 
  2. Go over Reforming the Industrial World (21.4) Notes
  3. Complete Unit Study Guide
  4. Course Exam (Part 1) Friday, May 3rd!
  5. Industrial Revolution Exam Tomorrow!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Imperialism in Africa


- How was the imperialism of the 18th and 19th centuries different from the earlier exploration and colonization of the 16th and 16th centuries?

- How did nations with imperialistic desires control the economics and politics of other countries?
  1. DJ - How did the Industrial Revolution lead to European colonization?
  2. Complete Imperialism in Africa Activity 

Monday, April 29, 2019

Classroom Update (4/29)

World History (Block)

Topic: Industrialization Spreads


- Why did industrialization not spread to the European continent immediately?

- How did the Industrial Revolution impact global development?
  1. DJ - Why did people flock to British cities and towns during the Industrial Revolution? 
  2. Go over Cities Video and Notes
  3. Complete (21.3) The Spread of the Industrial Revolution Doc (Schoology)
  4. Assign: Reforming the Industrial World (21.4)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. 21.4 Worksheet
  5. Course Exam (Part 1) Friday, May 3rd!
  6. Industrial Revolution Exam Wednesday, May 1st!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Imperialism in Africa


- How was the imperialism of the 18th and 19th centuries different from the earlier exploration and colonization of the 16th and 16th centuries?
- How did nations with imperialistic desires control the economics and politics of other countries?

  1. DJ - How did the theory of Social Darwinism justify European colonization?
  2. Complete Achieve article: "Ghana: A Land of Hope"
  3. Assign: Imperialism in Africa (23.2)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. 23.2 Worksheet

Classroom Update (4/26)

World History (Block)

Topic: Urbanization


- How did the factory system change the way people lived and worked?
- What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization?
  1. DJ - How did Manchester’s geography play a role in its growth?
  2. America: Story of Us Cities Video & Notes

World History (Skinny)

  1. Go Over The Roots of Imperialism (23.1) Worksheet

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Classroom Update (4/25)

World History (Block)
  1. Achieve Article "Busy, Busy Cities"
  2. Book Review Work Time

World History (Skinny)

  1. Achieve Article - "A 140-year-Old Letter"
  2. The Roots of Imperialism Worksheet

Classroom Update (4/24)

World History (Block)

Topic: Industrialization


-How did the factory system change the way people lived and worked?
-What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization?
  1. DJ - What effects did the enclosure movement have on agriculture in England?
  2. Assign: Industrialization (21.2) 
    1. Vocab. & Guided Readings
    2. Worksheet
  3. Finish Mill Times Video & Notes

World History (Skinny)

No Class - Testing

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Classroom Update (4/23)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution


- Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?

- What inventions helped transformed society into the industrial age?
  1. DJ - How would population growth help bring on the Industrial Revolution?
  2. Go over The Industrial Revolution Unit Outline
  3. Assign: The Beginnings of Indusirtiazation (21.1) Vocab. & Guided Readings
  4. Mill Times Video & Notes

World History (Skinny)

Topic: The Roots of Imperialism


- Why did imperialism begin in the early 1800s?
- How did the European nations divide up Africa?

  1. Go over The Age of Imperialism Unit Outline
  2. Assign: The Roots of Indusirtiazation (23.1) Vocab. & Guided Readings

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Classroom Update (4/17)

World History (Block)

Topic: Realism and Impressionism


- Why did the arts and literature shift from romanticism to realism in the mid-19th century?
- How was impressionism a reaction to realism?
  1. DJ - Who was Dom Pedro, and what role did he play in Brazil’s move to independence? 
  2. Complete and Discuss 
    1. Late 19th Century Art Analysis (Schoology Google Doc)
    2. Unit Study Guide (Revolutions Sweep the West)
  3. Unit Exam Tomorrow (4/18)!

World History (Skinny)

  1. Achieve Article: "Digging for Treasures"

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Classroom Update (4/16)

World History (Block)

Topic: Romanticism


- Why did the arts and literature shift from romanticism to realism in the mid-19th century?
  1. DJ - Why did Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires face such great challenges to the control of land?
  2. Complete Achieve Article: "Found-Two New Works of Mozart"
  3. Complete and Discuss Romanticism in Literature (Schoology Google Doc)
  4. Unit Exam Thursday (4/18)!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: An Age of Progress


- How did breakthroughs in science and technology transform daily life and entertainment?

Monday, April 15, 2019

Classroom Update (4/15)

World History (Block)

Topic: Nationalism


- How did nationalism disrupt the Austrian, Russian and Ottoman empire?
- Why was nationalism an important unifying force during the creation of Italy and Germany?

- How did the balance of power in Europe change during the 1800s?
  1. DJ- Why did czars push for industrialization?
  2. Go over Nationalism (20.3) Notes
  3. Assign: Revolutions in the Arts (20.4)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Guided Reading Worksheet
  4. Unit Exam Thursday (4/18)!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: An Age of Progress


- How did breakthroughs in science and technology transform daily life and entertainment?

  1. Book Reviews - Round 3
  2. Project Work Day
    1. Nineteenth-Century Progress Google Slides Project

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Classroom Update (4/10)

Image result for clip art career fair

World History (Block)

  1. Complete Achieve article: "Age of Revolutions: Haiti's Fight for Freedom"
  2. Finish Latin American Peoples Win Independence (20.1)

World History (Skinny)

  1. No Class - Career Fair

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Classroom Update (4/9)

World History (Block)

Topic: Latin American Revolutions

- How did the events in Europe lead to revolution in the Spanish Colonies?
  1. French Revolution Unit Assessment
  2. Go over Revolutions Sweep the West Unit Outline
  3. Assign: Latin American Peoples Win Independence (20.1)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Guided Reading WS
World History (Skinny)

Topic: An Age of Progress


- How did breakthroughs in science and technology transform daily life and entertainment?

  1. Project Work Day
    1. Nineteenth-Century Progress Google Slides Project
  2. Book Reviews Due this Week!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Classroom Update (4/8)

ACT Aspire Testing

Image result for testing clipart

Classroom Update (4/5)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Congress of Vienna

- What were the three major goals of the Congress of Vienna?
- How did the Congress of Vienna restore stability to the continent?  

- How did the ideas of the French Revolution continue to influence people?
  1. DJ - How did the French Revolution affect not only Europe but also other areas of the world?
  2. Go over The Congress of Vienna WS
  3. Complete and discuss French Revolution Unit Study Guide
  4. French Revolution Assessment (4/9)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: An Age of Progress


- How did breakthroughs in science and technology transform daily life and entertainment?

  1. Project Work Day
    1. Nineteenth-Century Progress Google Slides Project
  2. Book Reviews Due Next Week!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Classroom Update (4/4)

World History (Block)

Topic: Napoleon's Defeat

- How did nationalism affect Napoleon’s empire?

- Why did the British send Napoleon to St. Helena?
  1. DJ - How did geography play a role in Napoleon's defeat?
  2. Finish Engineering an Empire: Napoleon: Steel Monster Video and Notes
  3. Assign: The Congress of Vienna (19.4) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions and Lesson Worksheet
  4. French Revolution Assessment (4/9)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: An Age of Progress


- How did breakthroughs in science and technology transform daily life and entertainment?

  1. Begin Nineteenth-Century Progress Google Slides Project
  2. Book Reviews Due Next Week!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Classroom Update (4/3)

World History (Block)

Topic: Napoleon Creates an Empire

- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power in France?
- Why did Napoleon believe the Napoleonic Code was his greatest work?
- Why was the Battle of Trafalgar such a significant defeat for Napoleon's ambitions?
  1. DJ - Why did Napoleon crown himself emperor?
  2. Complete Achieve Article: "Saving Norte-Dame"
  3. Begin Engineering an Empire: Napoleon: Steel Monster Video and Notes
  4. Assign: The Congress of Vienna (19.4) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
  5. French Revolution Assessment (4/9)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: The Great Famine

- How did the Irish Win Home Rule?

  1. Achieve Article: "Saying Goodbye to Ireland"
  2. Book Reviews Due Next Week!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Classroom Update (4/2)

World History (Block)

Topic: The End of the French Revolution?

- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power in France?

- Why did Napoleon believe the Napoleonic Code was his greatest work?
  1. DJ - What factors led to Robespierre becoming a dictator?
  2. French Revolution Mid Unit-Assessment
  3. Practice WH Course Assessment in Schoology
  4. Assign: Napoleon's Empire (19.3) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
  5. French Revolution Assessment (4/9)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Self-Rule for British Colonies
  1. Assign: Self-Rule for British Colonies (22.2) WS
  2. Book Review Due Next Week!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Classroom Update (4/1)

World History (Block)

Topic: Robespierre and Reign of Terror

- What problems did the Legislative Assembly face?

- Why is the time of Robespierre's leadership called the “Reign of Terror”?
  1. DJ - Why were members of the Third Estate dissatisfied with life under the Old Regime?
  2. Finish The French Revolution Video & Notes
  3. Assign (if not already completed): Revolution Brings Reform and Terror (19.2) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
  4. French Revolution Mid-Unit Assessment Tomorrow (4/2)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Democratic Reform and Activism

- Why did the idea of women's suffrage seen radical in the Victorian era?

- Why was the road to democracy more difficult for France than for England?
  1. Begin Unit 9 - An Age of Democracy and Progress
  2. Assign: Democratic Reform and Activism WS