- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power in France?
- Why did Napoleon believe the Napoleonic Code was his greatest work?
- DJ- Why was the fall of the Bastille important to the French people?
- Current Events - CNN10
- Read and Complete the Module 19 Lesson 3 Lesson Document (located in Schoology)
- Assignments:
- Unit 5 Vocabulary - The French Revolution and Napoleonic Europe (Due 12/3)
- Historical Article Review Written Assessment (Due 12/18)
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture: 5 Things You Never Knew About Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris
- Supplemental Videos:
- The French Revolution: Crash Course European History #21
- Napoleon Bonaparte: Crash Course European History #22
- Interesting Article:
- Why were monarchs able to gain absolute power during the 16th century?
- DJ- How did the Reformation help usher in a time when rulers gained absolute power?
- Current Events - CNN10
- Unit 3 Introduction
- Lesson 1 Spain's Empire and European Absolutism
- Assignment:
- Read and Complete the Module 17 Lesson 1 Primary Source Document (located in Schoology) - Due 12/3
- Unit 3 Vocabulary (located in Schoology) Due 12/11
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture: Tune In to El Greco's Crying Saint
- Supplemental Video: The 17th Century Crisis: Crash Course European History #11
- Interesting Article: The TaĆnos Refused to Grow Food. The Spanish Starved.
- Current Events Clip - CNN10
- Work on NGO Presentation - Project #3
- Presentations Begin Tomorrow!