- What were the causes of the Reformation?
- How did the ideals of the Renaissance get expressed in the Reformation?
- DJ - Why is the Renaissance the first cause of the Reformation?
- Current Events - CNN10
- Turning Points in Christianity PPT Notes
- Begin Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World Video and notes
- Read and complete Module 15 Lesson 1 Worksheet - Due 2/2
- Assignments:
- The Renaissance Web Quest Assessment - 1/31
- Module 15 Lesson 1 Worksheet - Due 2/2
- Module 15 Vocabulary - The Reformation - 2/4
- Current Events Written Assessment - Due 2/4
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video(s):
- Interesting Article:
- Ch. 2 Test - 50 MCQ
- Biographical Sketch
- Complete Primary Sources for Tuesday
- The 95 Theses Document - Handout
- The Holy Communion by the Protestants and the Ride to Hell of the Catholics
- Ch. 3 Reading Guide - 2/1
- The Protestant Reformation Explained: World History Review
- Euro News
- Portugal election: Socialists win unexpected majority
- Bloody Sunday victims remembered on 50th anniversary
- Handouts
- 95 Theses with Map of Europe in 1500
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Assignments:
- Complete AP Registration form - ASAP
- Biographical Sketch - 2/10