- How did philosophers support and challenge the changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution?
- Why is Karl Marx’s writing so influential?
- Why did workers join together to form unions?
- Why did the labor reform movements spread to other aspects of society?
- DJ- How did the Industrial Revolution shift the world balance of power?
- Current Events - CNN10
- Go over Module 21 Lesson 4 on Reforming the Industrial World
- Complete The Industrial Revolution Review Questions for class Monday
- Assignments:
- Module 21 Assessment - 5/1
- Historical Article Review #2 - Due by 5/12
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course World History #32
- The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course European History #24
- Interesting Article(s):
- DJ- What was the result of the Battle of Britain?
- Current Events - CNN10
- Begin The World Wars Series and video notes on Never Surrender
- Work on WWII Webquest in Schoology - Due by 5/2
- Study for Asia Map Assessment -5/4
- Assignments:
- Asia Map Assessment - 5/4
- http://www.ilike2learn.com/ (Map Quizzes)
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- World War II: Crash Course European History #38
- World War II Civilians and Soldiers: Crash Course European History #39
- Interesting Article:
- Why were European nations interested in controlling Muslim lands?
- How did the Crimean War help lead to the decline of the Ottoman Empire?
- What methods did the Muslim leaders use to try to prevent European imperialism?
- DJ- None
- Current Events - CNN10
- Work on the Module 23 Vocabulary Assignment on Imperialism and Module 23 Lesson 3 on Europeans Claim Muslim Lands
- Assignments:
- Nineteenth-Century Progress Assessment 2022 - 2023 - Past Due!
- Historical Article Review #2 - Due Today
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article: