World History (Block)
Topic: War and Expansion
- (DJ)- What were the two major effects of the Dreyfus Affair?
- Begin viewing and discussing: 10 Days That Changed America - The Gold Rush
- Read and complete Module 22 Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Documents Democratic Reforms and Self-Rule for British Colonies (if not completed)
- Work on Historical Article Review #2
- Assignments:
- Historical Article Review #2 - Due by 12/13
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
- (DJ)- How did advertisers use psychology to encourage customers to buy their products?
- Current Events - CNN10
- Finish viewing and completing notes on When America Was Rocked Video
- Read and complete Module 13 Lesson 4 on The Other America
- Study for the Asia Map Assessment
- Assignments:
- Asia Map Assessment - 12/8
- (Online Map Quizzes)
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article: