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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Classroom Update (5/7)

World History (Block)

Topic: Book Review Work Day


How did breakthroughs in science and technology transform daily life and entertainment at the end of the 19th century?
  1. DJ - Why did the Industrial Revolution lead to European colonization?
  2. Work on 19th-century Progress Google Slides Project (Due Wednesday)
  3. Hand out The Age of Imperialism Unit Outline
  4. Book Reviews Due This Week!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: British Imperialism in India


- Why was India considered the brightest “jewel in the crown” for Great Britain?
- How did economic imperialism lead to India’s becoming a British colony?

- How did the Sepoy Mutiny change the political climate of India?
  1. DJ - What two effect did raising cotton have on Egyptian agriculture?
  2. Assign: British Imperialism in India (23.4)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Google Doc - Indian Mutiny of 1857 (Schoology)