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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Classroom Update (2/10/2022)


Thursday, February 10, 2022
World History (Block) 


- While the age of exploration was beginning in Europe, how was the political power in India being centralized under the Mughal Empire?

- What role did Babur play in the establishment of the early Mughal empire?

- What does the art during this time period suggest about the culture of Mughal India?

Topic: The Mughal Empire
AP Euro
- Explain how absolutist forms of rule affected social and political development from
1648 to 1815. (3.G)
--Peter the Great “westernized” the Russian state and society, transforming political, religious, and cultural institutions; Catherine the Great continued this process. (KC-2.1.I.E)

Topic: Peter the Great


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