Monday, December 9, 2024
Parent-Teacher Conferences Tonight!
- How do we categorize the different types of crime?
Topic: White-Collar Crime and Organizational Deviance
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - How do perpetrators of organizational crimes typically justify their actions?
- Inside the Meltdown - The 2008 Financial Crisis
- Assignments:
- Textbook Reading: pp.215 - 221 (Types of Crime) - if not done
- Term 2 Project - December Deadlines!
- Sociology Enrichment:
Recent U.S. History
- How did President Calvin Coolledge's policies of 'normalcy' contrast with the Progressive reforms?
- Why was prosperity during the 1920s mainly superficial?
Topic: The Roaring 20s - The Business of America
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - How did World War I transform the United States into a world power?
- Whiteboard Notes: Technology & Business Changes of the 1920s
- View and discuss The Presidents: (Harding and Coolidge) - if time
- Module 8 Introduction
- Study for Africa Map Reassessment
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Textbook Reading: Module 8 Lesson 2 (Postwar Issues)
- Africa Map Reassessment - 12/10
- (Online Map Quizzes)
- Module 8 Assessment - 12/19 & 12/20
- RUSHY Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
World History
- How were Montaigne and Descartes impacted by the religious wars?
- How did Louis XIV become an absolute monarch?
Topic: The Reign of King Louis XIV
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - What impact did the French religious wars likely have on French thinkers?
- Whiteboard Notes: None
- View and discuss Engineering and Empire: France (Napoleon's Steel Monster)
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Textbook Reading: Module 17 Lesson 2 on The Reign of Louis XiV - if not Completed
- Historical Article Review #1 - Due by 12/11
- Ebscohost (located off the CHS Library page)
- Use the database entitled History Reference Center
- Look for articles in the History Today journal!
- MLA Formatting - Sample Book Review
- Module 17 Assessment - 12/19 & 12/20
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Absolute Monarchy: Crash Course European History #13
- Dutch Golden Age: Crash Course European History #15
- Interesting Article:
Daily Gator