Friday, February 28, 2025
American Government
Topic: Ch. 4 Assessment
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question- None
- Ch. 4 Assessment
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Ch. 5-7 Review Questions - Due 2/7
- Ch. 5-7 Assessment - 2/10
- Am. Government Enrichment:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
Recent U.S. History
- How did the Truman Doctrine and the Marshal Plan deepen Cold War Tension?
Topic: The Berlin Airlift
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - What was Truman's goal in establishing the policy of containment and creating intelligence agencies?
- Whiteboard Notes: U.S./U.S.S.R Contributing Actions
- The Berlin Airlift Explained in 5 Minutes: US History Review
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Module 11 Assessment - 3/7/25
- Europe Map - Reassessment is on your own time!
- (Online Map Quizzes)
- RUSHY Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
World History
- Why did the arts and literature shift to romanticism in the early 1800s?
- Why did the arts and literature shift from romanticism to realism in the mid-19th century?
Topic: Romanticism in Literature
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - How did Bismark's provocation of war with Austria demonstrate realpolitik?
- Whiteboard Notes: What is Romanticism?
- Complete and discuss the Module 20 Primary Source Document - Romanticism In Literature and Which Romantic Poet Are You?
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Module 20 Assessment: 3/4 & 3/5
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
Daily Gator