Wednesday, February 26, 2025
American Government
~ How does the process for admitting States to the Union work?
~ How do the States work together to preserve the Union?
Topic: Territorial Expansion
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question- What does Congress do once the requirements of the enabling act are met?
- Read and complete the guided reading worksheet on Ch. 4 Section 3
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Ch. 4 Questions - Due 2/27
- Chapter 4 Test - 2/28 (Ch. 4 Vocabulary due as well)
- Am.Gov. Enrichment:
Recent U.S. History
Topic: Pre-ACT Prep - Political Cartoons Review
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - What caused suspicions between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II?
- Whiteboard Notes: None
- Pre-ACT Prep - Political Cartoons Review
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- "How the ‘Big Three’ Teed Up the Cold War at the 1945 Yalta Conference" Article Assignment - Due by 2/27
- Europe Map - Reassessment is Today!
- (Online Map Quizzes)
- RUSHY Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
World History
- How did the balance of power in Europe change during the 1800s?
Topic: Pre-ACT Prep - Political Cartoons Review
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - How did nationalism bring about change to the Austrian empire?
- Whiteboard Notes: None
- Pre-ACT Prep - Political Cartoons Review
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Current Events Analysis #2 - Due by 2/24
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Reform and Revolution 1815-1848: Crash Course European History #25
- Italian and German Unification: Crash Course European History #27
- Interesting Article:
Daily Gator