Wednesday, March 5, 2025
American Government
~ What role have minor parties played in American politics?
~ How are political parties organized at the federal, State, and local levels?
Topic: Party Organization
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question- Why do splinter parties develop? What usually happens to these break-away parties?
- Major vs. Minor Parties in the Two-Party System
- Assign: Ch. 6 Reading WS and Ch. 7 Vocabulary WS
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Ch. 5-7 Review Questions - Due 2/7
- Ch. 5-7 Assessment - 2/10
- Am. Government Enrichment:
Recent U.S. History
- During the late 1940s and early 1950s, how did the fear of communism lead to reckless charges against innocent crimes?
Topic: McCarthyism
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - Why were Americans worried about the security of the United States?
- Whiteboard Notes: Anticommunism Activities
- Sir Winston Churchill – Sinews of Peace (Iron Curtain) Speech
- The RED SCARE! [APUSH Review Unit 8 Topic 3] Period 8: 1945-1980
- Hand out Asia Map - Assessment 4/3/25
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Module 11 Assessment - 3/7/25
- Asia Map Assessment - 4/3/25
- Europe Map - Reassessment is on your own time!
- (Online Map Quizzes)
- RUSHY Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
World History
Topic: Module 20 Assessment - Part 1
- Daily Jumble (DJ) Question - None
- Whiteboard Notes: None
- Module 20 Assessment - Part 1
- Current Events
- Assignments:
- Module 20 Assessment: Now 3/5 & 3/6
- WH Enrichment:
- Google Arts and Culture:
- Supplemental Video:
- Interesting Article:
Daily Gator