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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Classroom Update (10/25/19)

Friday, October 25, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads win the English Civil War for Parliament?
- Why was the English monarchy restored?

- How did the Glorious Revolution change England?

Topic: Parliament Limits the English Monarchy
  1. DJ- Why did Peter the Great believe that Russia’s future depended on having a warm water port?
  2. Go over Parliament Limits the English Authority (17.5) Notes
  3. Absolutism Unit Exam is Tuesday, October 29th!
  4. Boom Reviews Due Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday!

World History (Skinny)


- How did China deal with Dutch and British traders?
- What was the structure of society in Tokugawa Japan?

- How was the treatment of Europeans similar/different in Japan and China?

Topic: China and Japan Reject the West
  1. DJ- How was the European Renaissance similar to and differ from the flowering of Chinese culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties?
  2. Go over Exploration Unit Project
  3. Assign:  
    1. China and Japan Reject Expansion (16.3) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions (if needed)
    2. Japan in the 17th Century in Schoology (if needed)