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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Classroom Update (10/8/19)

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

World History (Block)


- How was the treatment of Europeans similar/different in Japan and China?

Topic: China and Japan Reject the West
  1. DJ -  How was the European Renaissance similar to and differ from the flowering of Chinese culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties? 
  2. Go over Japan in the17th Century Doc. (Schoology)
  3. Expansion, Exploration, and Encounters Project information and Work Time

World History (Skinny)


- How did the Catholic Church counteract the Protestant reformation?

- What is the lasting legacy of the Reformation?

Topic: The Catholic Reformation

  1. DJ- How did the Reformation set the stage for the modern world?
  2. Go over The Catholic Reformation Notes
  3. Assign: Social Unrest (15.4) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
  4. Reformation Unit Assessment Thursday!