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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Classroom Update (3/29)

World History (Block)

  1. Complete Achieve Article: "Age of Revolutions: One Idea, Lots of Hard Work"
  2. Assign: Revolution and Terror (19.2) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  3. Work on Term 4 Book Review Project
World History (Skinny)
  1. Complete Achieve Article: "China: What Qianlong Left behind"
  2. Work on Semester 2 Book Review Project

Classroom Update (3/28)

World History (Block)

Topic: The French Revolution Begins

- What factors led to the French Revolution?
- Why was the National Assembly created?

  1. DJ - How did the American colonies help Britain’s economy?
  2. Go over the Unit 6 Outline
  3. Begin The French Revolution Video & Notes
  4. Assign: The French Revolution Begins (19.1) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

1. Book Review Work Day

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Classroom Update (3/27)

World History (Block)

  1. Enlightenment Assessment
  2. Work on Term 4 Book Review
World History (Skinny)
  1. Work on Semester 2 Book Reviews

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Classroom Update (3/26)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Enlightenment and The American Revolution

- How did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence the American Revolution?

- What were the opposing views regarding the ratification of the Constitution?

1. DJ - How did the American colonies help Britain’s economy?
2. View The Revolution: Becoming a Nation
3. Enlightenment Review Questions
4. Enlightenment Projects Due
5. Enlightenment Exam Tomorrow (3/27)

World History (Skinny)

1. Book Review Work Day

Monday, March 25, 2019

Classroom Update (3/25)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Enlightenment Spreads (Artistic Movements)


- How did the ideas of the Enlightenment spread?

- Why is the term “enlightened despot” appropriate for some of the rulers during this era?

1. DJ - What did social critics, such as philosophes, hope to accomplish through their writings and art?
2. Go over Rococo & Neoclassical Art Analysis Documents
3. Assign: The American Revolution (18.4) Vocab & Guided Reading Questions
4. Enlightenment Projects Due Tuesday (3/26)
5. Enlightenment Exam Wednesday (3/27)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Assessment

1. The Industrial Revolution Assessment
2. Work on Book Reviews

Classroom Update (3/22)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Enlightenment Spreads

- How did the ideas of the Enlightenment spread?
- Why is the term “enlightened despot” appropriate for some of the rulers during this era?

1. DJ- What advantage did salons have over earlier forms of communication in spreading ideas?
2. Term 4 Book Review Selection
3. Assign: Rococo and Neoclassical Art Aanyklsis
4. Enlightenment Projects Due Tuesday (3/26)

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Reforming the Industrial World

- How did philosophers support and challenge the changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution?
- Why is Karl Marx’s writing so influential?

1. Assign: Reforming the Industrial World Worksheet
2. The Industrial Revolution Exam Monday (3/25)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Classroom Update (3/21)

World History (Block)

Topic: Enlightenment Thinkers


- How does Locke’s view of human nature differ from Hobbes?

- How did the philosophes advance reason?
  1. DJ - How did Descartes’s approach to science differ from Francis Bacon’s?
  2. Complete 18.2 Review Worksheet
  3. Assign: 
    1. The Enlightenment Spreads (18.3) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Major Figures of the Enlightenment Poster Project

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Industrialization Spread to the Rest of Europe


- Why did industrialization not spread to the European continent immediately?

- How did the Industrial Revolution impact global development?
  1. DJ - How did advances in transportation in the United States impact economic interdependence?
  2. Finish America: Story of Us (Cities)
  3. The Spread of The Industrial Revolution in Europe Document
  4. Assign: Reforming the Industrial World (21.4) Vocab & Guided Reading Questions 
  5. Unit Assessment Monday, March 25th

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Classroom Update (3/20)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Scientific Revolution


- How did the travel by Europeans help launch the Scientific Revolution?

- How did the scientific method differ from the approach generally followed by medieval scholars?

  1. DJ - Prior to 1500, how did Europeans understand the world around them?
  2. Complete 18.1 Review Worksheet
  3. Assign: 
    1. Enlightenment Thinkers (18.2) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Major Figures of the Enlightenment Poster Project

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Urbanization


- How did the factory system change the way people lived and worked?
- What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization?
- How did the United States improve upon the factory system developed in England?
  1. DJ - How did industrialization contribute to the city growth?
  2. Begin America: Story of Us (Cities)
  3. Assign: Industrialization Spreads (21.3) Vocab & Guided Reading Questions 
  4. Unit Assessment Monday, March 25th

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Classroom Update (3/19)

World History (Block)

Topic: Unit 4 Assessement & Enlighenment Introductuion


- How did the travel by Europeans help launch the Scientific Revolution?

  1. DJ - How is a constitutional monarchy different than an absolute monarchy?
  2. Unit 5 Outline (The Enlightenment)
  3. Unit 4 Assessment
  4. Assign: The Scientific Revolution (18.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

Topic: The Industrial Revolution in Manchester


- How did the factory system change the way people lived and worked?

- What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization?

  1. DJ - How did improvements in transportation promote industrialization in Britain?
  2. Go Over Industrialization Worksheet
  3. Assign: Industrialization Spreads (21.3) Vocab & Guided Reading Questions 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Term 3 Late Work

Due Friday, March 22nd!

Image result for clip art late work

Classroom Update (3/18)

World History (Block)

  1. Archive Article entitled “Age of Revolution: Was This Blackbeard’s Ship” 
  2. Work on Absolute Monarchs in Europe Study Guide
  3. Test Tomorrow! (3/19)

World History (Skinny)
  1. Archive Article entitled “Looking Good at 150”
  2. Work on Semester 2 Book Review Projects

Friday, March 15, 2019

Classroom Update (3/15)

World History (Block)

Topic: Oliver Cromwell in Ireland


- How did Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads win the English Civil War for Parliament?
- Why was the English monarchy restored?

- How did the Glorious Revolution change England?
  1. DJ - Why was the death of Charles I so revolutionary?
  2. Book Reviews - Round 3
  3. Watch Cromwell: Conqueror of England
  4. Unit 4 Test Tuesday!
  5. Term 3 Gradebook closes 3/22!

World History (Skinny)

  1. Book Review Work Day

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Classroom Update (3/14)

World History (Block)

Topic: English Monarchs Defy Parliament


- How did Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads win the English Civil War for Parliament?

  1. DJ - What challenge did Queen Elizabeth I leave her successor James I?
  2. Book Reviews Round 2
  3. Complete Achieve Article - "Golden Age Selfies"
  4. Finish Parliament Limits the English Monarchy (17.5)
    1. Vocab & Guided Reading Questions
    2. Guided Reading Worksheet
  5. Book Reviews Due This Week!
  6. Term 3 Gradebook closes 3/22!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Industrialization


- How did the factory system change the way people lived and worked?
- What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization?
- How did the United States improve upon the factory system developed in England?

  1. DJ - What effect did entrepreneurs have upon the Industrial Revolution?
  2. Finish Mill Times Video and worksheet on the First Industrial Revolution

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Classroom Update (3/13)

World History (Block)

Topic: English Monarchs Defy Parliament


- How did Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads win the English Civil War for Parliament?

  1. DJ - Why did Peter the Great believe that Russia’s future depended on having a warm water port?
  2. Book Reviews Round 1
  3. Complete Mid-Course Google Quiz in Schoology
  4. Assign: Parliament Limits the English Monarchy (17.5)
    1. Vocab & Guided Reading Questions
    2. Guided Reading Worksheet
  5. Book Reviews Due This Week!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Industrialization


- What inventions helped transformed society into the industrial age?
- How did the factory system change the way people lived and worked?

  1. DJ - Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
  2. Complete Achieve Article: Welcome to Great Park Falls
  3. Assign: 21.2 - Industrialization Guided Reading Worksheet

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Classroom Update (3/12)

World History (Block)

Topic: Peter the Great

- Why was Russia culturally different from western Europe?

- How did Peter the Great westernize Russia?

  1. DJ - Why was feudalism slow to end in central Europe?
  2. Watch Peter the Great Video clip from Engineering an Empire: Russia
  3. Complete and Discuss the Absolute Rulers of Russia Document in Schoology
  4. Book Reviews Due Wednesday, Thursday or Friday!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: The Beginnings of Industrialization

- Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
- What inventions helped transformed society into the industrial age?

  1. DJ - What effects did the enclosure movement have on agriculture in England?
  2. Begin Mill Times Video and worksheet on the First Industrial Revolution

Monday, March 11, 2019

Classroom Update (3/11)

World History (Block)

Topic: Absolutism in Eastern Europe

E.Q. - 
- How did the Peace of Westphalia lay the foundations of modern Europe?
- Why did strong states develop slower in central Europe than in western Europe?

  1. DJ - Why did the Catholic cardinals support the Protestant forces in the Thirty Years’ War?
  2. Unit 4 Mid-Unit Assessment
  3. Assign: Absolute Rulers of Russia (17.4) Vocab & Guided Reading Questions
  4. Book Reviews Due This Week!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: The Beginnings of Industrialization

E.Q. -
- Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
- What inventions helped transformed society into the industrial age?

  1. Go over The Industrial Revolution Unit Outline
  2. Assign: The Beginnings of the Industrialization (21.1) Vocab & Guided Reading Questions

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Classroom Update (3/8)

World History (Block)

    • Reading Assignment: Module 17 Lesson 3 in their textbook & worksheet.
      • Handout Central European Monarch Clash Guided Reading Worksheet
        • The worksheet is due at the beginning of class on Monday!
    • Work on Term 3 Book Review
      • Book Reviews are Due Next Week!

World History (Skinny)
  • Book Review Work Day

Classroom Update (3/7)

World History (Block)

Work Day
    • Archive Article entitled “A Real Rembrandt”
      • Graphic Organizer & Correction Form (as needed)
    • Work on Term 3 Book Review
      • Book Reviews are Due Next Week!

World History (Skinny)

Work Day
    1. Archive Article entitled “Busy, Busy Cities”
      1. Graphic Organizer & Correction Form (as needed)
    2. Work on Semester 2 Book Review Projects

Classroom Update (3/6)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Regin of Louis XIV

E.Q. -

- How were Montaigne and Descartes impacted by the religious wars?
- How did Louis XIV become an absolute monarch?

- What was the result of the War of Spanish Succession?
  1. DJ- Why did absolute monarchs believe they were justified in exercising absolute power?
  2. Go over St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre Document
  3. Complete the Louis XIV Document (Schoology) and go over 17.2 Notes
  4. Book Review Work Time
    1. Book Reviews Due Next Week!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Assessment Day

  1. Revolutions Sweep the West Exam
  2. Book Review Work Time 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Classroom Update (3/5)

World History (Block)

Topic: The Spanish and Dutch Golden Age

E.Q. -

- How was Philip II of Spain a typical absolute monarch?

- How does the art from the Spanish and Dutch Golden Age reflect the political culture of the era?
  1. DJ- How did the Peace of Augsburg change the political structure of Europe?
  2. Complete the Mannerism and Braqoyue Aet Analysis Doc (Schoology)
  3. Assign: 17.2 (The Regin of King Louis XIV) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  4. Assign: Primary Source Documents and Questions

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Romanticism, Realism and Impressionism

E.Q. -

-Why did the arts and literature shift from romanticism to realism in the mid-19th century?

  1. Review the Primary Source Documents and Questions
  2. Go over the Unit Study Guide
  3. Revolutions Sweep the West Exam Tomorrow (3/6)!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Classroom Update (3/4)

World History (Block)

Topic: Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

E.Q. -

- Why were monarchs able to gain absolute power during the 16th century?

- How was Philip II of Spain a typical absolute monarch?
  1. DJ- How did the Reformation help create strong regional rulers throughout Europe?
  2. Go over Unit Outline
  3. Assign: 17.1 (Spain's Empire & European Absolutism) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  4. Assign: Primary Source Documents and Questions in school for Tuesday

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Romanticism

E.Q. -

-Why did the arts and literature shift from romanticism to realism in the mid-19th century?
  1. Assign: Primary Source Documents and Questions in school for Tuesday
  2. Hand out the Unit Study Guide
  3. Revolutions Sweep the West Exam Wednesday!