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Monday, November 25, 2019

Classroom Update (11/26/19)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did Brazil gain independence from Portugal?

Topic:  The History of Thanksgiving
  1. DJ- Why didn't King John VI object to giving Brazil its freedom?
  2. The History of Thanksgiving

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  The History of Thanksgiving
  1. Finish The History of Thanksgiving
  2. The Regin of Louis XIV (17.2) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions should be completed for Monday!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Classroom Update (11/25/19)

Monday, November 25, 2019

World History (Block)


- Why did the structure of colonial society in Latin America cause social unrest?

- Why was the French colony of Saint Domingue the first Latin American colony to fight for independence?
- How did the events in Europe lead to revolution in the Spanish Colonies?
- How did Brazil gain independence from Portugal?

Topic:  Latin American Peoples Win Independence
  1. DJ- How was Mexico’s struggle for independence more of a social revolution when compare with Latin America rebellions?
  2. Discuss Latin American Peoples Win Independence (20.1) Worksheet 
  3. Achieve Article: "Westward Expansion: Smiling Jefferson Pictured on New Nickel"
  4. Book Review Work Time 

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  How to Write a Book Review
  1. Finish Discussing a Scholarly Book Review from an Academic Journal
  2. Begin The History of Thanksgiving
  3. Book Reviews Due Next Month!

Classroom Update (11/22/19)

Friday, November 22, 2019

World History (Block)


- Why did the structure of colonial society in Latin America cause social unrest?

- Why was the French colony of Saint Domingue the first Latin American colony to fight for independence?

Topic:  Latin American Peoples Win Independence
  1. Assign:  Latin American Peoples Win Independence (20.1) Worksheet - Due Monday
  2. Book Review Work Day 

World History (Skinny)

Topic:  How to write a Book Review
  1. Read and Discuss a Scholarly Book Review from an Academic Journal
  2. Book Reviews Due Next Month!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Classroom Update (11/21/19)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

World History (Block)


- Why did the structure of colonial society in Latin America cause social unrest?

- Why was the French colony of Saint Domingue the first Latin American colony to fight for independence?

  1. DJ- At the beginning of the 19th century, why was the time right for people in Latin America to win independence? 
  2. Unit Outline - Revolutions Sweep the West
  3. Achieve Article: "Age of Revolutions: Haiti's Fight to Be Free"
  4. Article Review #2 is Due Today (11/21)
  5. Assign:  Latin American Peoples Win Independence (20.1) Vocabulary and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

EQ - How does the art from the Spanish and Dutch Golden age reflect the political culture of the era?

Topic:  The Dutch Golden Age
  1. Finish discussing the Spanish and Dutch Golden Age of Art (the Baroque Art Analysis document)
  2. Assign:  The Reign of Louis XIV (17.2) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Classroom Update (11/20/19)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

World History (Block)

Topic:  French Revolution Assessment
  1. The French Revolution Unit Assessment
  2. Article and Book Review Work Time
  3. Article Review #2 is Due Thursday (11/21)

World History (Skinny)

EQ - How does the art from the Spanish and Dutch Golden age reflect the political culture of the era?

Topic:  The Dutch Golden Age
  1. DJ- How did the Peace of Augsburg change the political structure of Europe? 
  2. Complete and Discuss the Baroque Art Analysis
  3. Assign:  The Reign of Louis XIV (17.2) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

Classroom Update (11/19/19)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

World History (Block)

Topic:  Review Day
  1. DJ- In what ways was the Congress of Vienna a success? 
  2. Complete and discuss Unit Review Questions
  3. Article and Book Review Work Time
  4. Article Review #2 is Due Thursday (11/21)
  5. The French Revolution Assessment is Tomorrow! (11/20)

World History (Skinny)

EQ - How does the art from the Spanish and Dutch Golden age reflect the political culture of the era?

Topic:  Baroque Art
  1. Complete Achieve Article:  "A Real Rembrandt"
  2. Assign:  Baroque Art Analysis in Schoology

Friday, November 15, 2019

Classroom Update (11/18/19)

Monday, November 18, 2019

World History (Block)


- Why was the Battle of Trafalgar such a significant defeat for Napoleon's ambitions?
- How did nationalism affect Napoleon’s empire?

- Why did the British send Napoleon to St. Helena?

Topic:  Napoleon’s Defeat
  1. DJ- How did geography play a role in Napoleon’s defeat?
  2. Complete and discuss The Congress of Vienna (19.4) WS
  3. Article and Book Review Work Time
  4. Article Review #2 is Due Thursday (11/21)
  5. The French Revolution Assessment is Wednesday (11/20)

World History (Skinny)


- How was Philip II of Spain a typical absolute monarch?

- How does the art from the Spanish and Dutch Golden age reflect the political culture of the era?

Topic:  Mannerism
  1. DJ- How was Phillip II of Spain a typical absolute monarch?
  2. Complete Mannerism Art Analysis (Schoology)
  3. Assign: Spain's Empire and European Abolcutism (17.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions (if needed)
  4. Book Reviews Due next month!

Classroom Update (11/15/19)

Friday, November 15, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power in France?
- Why did Napoleon believe the Napoleonic Code was his greatest work?
  1. Engineering and Empire: Napoleon's Steel Monster Video and Notes
  2. Assign: The Congress of Vienna (19.4) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions 
  3. Article and Book Review Work Time

World History (Skinny)


- Why were monarchs able to gain absolute power during the 16th century?

- How was Philip II of Spain a typical absolute monarch?

Topic:  Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
  1. Achieve Article: "Drake's Secret"
  2. Assign: Spain's Empire and European Abolcutism (17.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions (if needed)
  3. Book Reviews Due next month!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Classroom Update (11/14/19)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power in France?

- Why did Napoleon believe the Napoleonic Code was his greatest work?
  1. DJ- What factors led to Robespierre becoming a dictator?
  2. Achieve Article: "Saving Notre Dame"
  3. Assign: Napoleon's Empire (19.3) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions ( if needed)
  4. Article and Book Review Work Time

World History (Skinny)


- Why were monarchs able to gain absolute power during the 16th century?

- How was Philip II of Spain a typical absolute monarch?

Topic:  Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
  1. DJ-Why did absolute monarchs believe they were justified in exercising absolute power?
  2. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada Google Document
  3. Assign: Spain's Empire and European Abolcutism (17.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions (if needed)
  4. Book Reviews Due next month!

Classroom Update (11/13/19)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

World History (Block)


- What problems did the Legislative Assembly face?

- Why is the time of Robespierre's leadership called the “Reign of Terror”?

  1. Finish The French Revolution Video and Notes
  2. Assign: Napoleon's Empire (19.3) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  3. Article and Book Review Work Time

World History (Skinny)

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: Exploration Projects 
  1. Project Poster Due!
  2. Assign: Spain's Empire and European Abolcutism (17.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

Monday, November 11, 2019

Classroom Update (11/12/19

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

10th Grade - Party at the Pac in the Afternoon

World History (Block)

  1. Continue The French Revolution Video and Notes
  2. Assign: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror (19.2) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions (if needed)
  3. Article and Book Review Work Time

World History (Skinny)

Party at the Pac - No Class

Friday, November 8, 2019

Classroom Update (11/11/19)

Monday, November 11, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did the economic and social inequalities of the Old Regime help cause the French Revolution?

- How did the Great Fear and the women's march change the political relationship in France?

Topic: The Third Estate
  1. DJ-  What three factors led to the revolution in France?
  2. Begin The French Revolution Video and Notes
  3. Assign: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror (19.2) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: Exploration Projects 
  1. Project Poster Due!
  2. Biographical Sketch Work Time

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Classroom Update (11/8/19)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Veteran's Day Assembly Today!

World History (Block)


- How did the economic and social inequalities of the Old Regime help cause the French Revolution?

- How did the Great Fear and the women's march change the political relationship in France?

Topic: The Third Estate
  1. DJ-  Why were members of the Third Estate dissatisfied with life under the Old Regime?
  2. Term 2 Book Review Project - Go to LMC for Books
  3. Assign: The French Revolution Begins (19.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions (if needed)

World History (Skinny)

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: Exploration Projects 
  1. Complete Achieve Article: "England's Terrible Trade"
  2. Project Work Time

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Classroom Update (11/7/19)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did the economic and social inequalities of the Old Regime help cause the French Revolution?

- How did the Great Fear and the women's march change the political relationship in France?

Topic: The French Revolution Begins
  1. DJ- In the 1700s, why is France considered the most advanced country in Europe? 
  2. Complete Achieve Article: "Hardly Haydn"
  3. Assign: The French Revolution Begins (19.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: Exploration Projects 
  1. Project Work Time

Classroom Update (11/6/19)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence the American Revolution?

- What were the opposing views regarding the ratification of the Constitution?

Topic: The Enlightenment and the American Revolution

  1. DJ- How did the American colonies help Britain's economy?
  2. View and Discuss The Revolution: Becoming a Nation
  3. Major Figures of the Enlightenment Google Drawing Project Due 
World History (Skinny)


- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: The Atlantic Economy & Exploration Projects 
  1. Go over Trade and Interaction Google Documents
  2. Project Work Time

Monday, November 4, 2019

Classroom Update (11/5/19)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did the philosophes advance reason?
- How did the ideas of the Enlightenment spread?

Topic: Neoclassical Art

  1. DJ- What advantage did salons have over earlier forms of communication in spreading ideas?
  2. Complete and Discuss Neoclassical Art Analysis
  3. Assign:
    1. The American Revolution (18.4) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Major Figures of the Enlightenment Google Drawing Project (Due Wednesday)

World History (Skinny)


- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?
- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: European Exploration Projects 
  1. Assign: Trade and Interaction Google Documents
  2. Project Work Time

Friday, November 1, 2019

Classroom Update (11/4/19)

Monday, November 4, 2019

World History (Block)


- How did the scientific method differ from the approach generally followed by medieval scholars?
- How did the ideas of the Enlightenment spread?

Topic: Rococo Art 

  1. DJ- How did the scientific method differ from the approach generally followed by medieval scholars?
  2. Complete and Discuss Rococo Art Analysis
  3. Assign:
    1. The Enlightenment Spreads (18.3) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Major Figures of the Enlightenment Google Drawing Project (Due Wednesday)

World History (Skinny)


- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: European Exploration Projects 
  1. Project Work Time

Classroom Update (11/1/19)

Friday, November 1, 2019

Last Day of Term 1! 

World History (Block)


- How did the travel by Europeans help launch the Scientific Revolution?
- How did the scientific method differ from the approach generally followed by medieval scholars?

Topic: The Scientific Revolution 

  1. DJ- Why did institutions of authority tend to reject new ideas developed by scientists and other thinkers?
  2. Book Reviews - Final Call
  3. Assign:
    1. Enlightenment Thinkers (18.2) Vocab. and Guided Reading Questions
    2. Major Figures of the Enlightenment Google Drawing Project (Due Wednesday)

World History (Skinny)


- How did the different European nations explore, settle, and colonize the New World?

- Which historical figures had a dramatic impact on the Era of Exploration?

Topic: European Exploration Projects 
  1. Project Work Time