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Monday, April 29, 2019

Classroom Update (4/29)

World History (Block)

Topic: Industrialization Spreads


- Why did industrialization not spread to the European continent immediately?

- How did the Industrial Revolution impact global development?
  1. DJ - Why did people flock to British cities and towns during the Industrial Revolution? 
  2. Go over Cities Video and Notes
  3. Complete (21.3) The Spread of the Industrial Revolution Doc (Schoology)
  4. Assign: Reforming the Industrial World (21.4)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. 21.4 Worksheet
  5. Course Exam (Part 1) Friday, May 3rd!
  6. Industrial Revolution Exam Wednesday, May 1st!

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Imperialism in Africa


- How was the imperialism of the 18th and 19th centuries different from the earlier exploration and colonization of the 16th and 16th centuries?
- How did nations with imperialistic desires control the economics and politics of other countries?

  1. DJ - How did the theory of Social Darwinism justify European colonization?
  2. Complete Achieve article: "Ghana: A Land of Hope"
  3. Assign: Imperialism in Africa (23.2)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
    2. 23.2 Worksheet