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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Classroom Update (5/14)

World History (Block)

Topic: British Imperialism in India


- How did economic imperialism lead to India’s becoming a British colony?
- How did the Sepoy Mutiny change the political climate of India?

  1. DJ- Why was India considered the brightest “jewel in the crown” for Great Britain?
  2. Mid-Unit Assessment (Imperialism)
  3. Discuss The Indian Rebellion of 1857 Document (Schoology)
  4. Assign: European Claims in Southeast Asia (23.5)
    1. Vocab and Guided Reading Questions

World History (Skinny)

Topic: Review Day

- How did U.S. imperialism develop in the Pacific Islands?
- How was the principle of the Roosevelt Corollary different from that of the Monroe Doctrine?
  1. DJ - Why did caudillos face little opposition in nineteenth-century Latin America?
  2. Go Over Unit Study Guide (Review Questions)
  3. Imperialism Assessment Tomorrow