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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Classroom Update (12/10/19)

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

World History (Block)


- Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
- What inventions helped transformed society into the industrial age?

Topic:  The Beginnings of Industrialization
  1. 1st Period - Book Review Work Day
  2. 5th/6th - Mill Times Video
  3. Assign: The Beginnings of Industrialization (21.1) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions (if not completed)

World History (Skinny)


- Why was Russia culturally different from western Europe?
- How did Peter the Great westernize Russia?

Topic: Peter the Great
  1. Discuss the Absolute Rulers of Russia Primary Source in Schoology
  2. Assign:  Parliament Limits the English (17.5) Vocab and Guided Reading Questions
  3. Book Review Work Time
  4. Absolutism Assessment is on Thursday, December 19th