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Friday, September 11, 2020

Classroom Update (9/11/2020)


Friday, September 11, 2020

World History (Block)

E.Q. -

- How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance?

- What impact did the Northern artists and writers have on the Renaissance?

- How did the Elizabethan Age reflect the values of the Renaissance?

Topic - The Northern Renaissance

World History (Skinny)

E.Q. -

- Why did the Italian Renaissance produce some of the world’s most extraordinary writers and artists?

- How do the works of Renaissance artists and architects reflect Renaissance ideas?

Topic - The Italian Renaissance

Contemporary Affairs

Project Work Day
  1. Current Events - CNN10 
  2. Project Work Time - Contemporary Affairs-Education/Foreign Policy Topics Presentation
    1. Paper/Presentation Outlines due Thursday, September 17th

Daily Gator Posting
Alligators sunbathe in Colorado snow | KUTV