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Monday, October 19, 2020

Classroom Update (10/19/2020)


Monday, October 19, 2020

World History (Block)


- How were Montaigne and Descartes impacted by the religious wars?

- How did Louis XIV become an absolute monarch?

- What was the result of the War of Spanish Succession?

Topic - The Reign of King Louis XIV
  • DJ- How did the religious attitudes of Henry IV and Philip II differ?
  • Current Events - CNN10 
  • Complete and Discuss Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (Classroom Activity)
  • Go over Module 17 Lesson 2 (17.2) Google Document 
  • Assignments: 
    • Read Module 17 Lesson 3 (17.3) and Complete Google Document (Due 5/21 and located in Schoology)
    • Unit 3 Vocabulary (located in Schoology) - Due 10/22
    • Current Events Written Assessment #2 (Due 10/23)

World History (Skinny)


- What were the causes of the Reformation?

- Why did Luther’s teachings become popular and attract followers?

Topic - Luther Challenges the Church
  • DJ- What were the main points of Luther's teachings?
  • Current Events - CNN10
  • Go over Module 15.1 Notes - Martin Luther and Protestantism
  • Luther and the Protestant Reformation: Crash Course World History #218
  • Assignment:
    • Read Module 15 Lesson 2 (15.2) and Complete Google Document (Due 5/22 and located in Schoology)
    • Reformation Vocabulary (Due 10/28 and located in Schoology)

Contemporary Affairs

  1. Current Events Clip - CNN10 
  2. Project #2 Workday -  Contemporary Affairs-National Policies/Economics Presentation
    1. Projects Due October 26th, 27th, and 28th!

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